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Talk to our creator: Andrews Santana @Brazil

Coco Szeto

Category: GoPro/Outdoor/Lifestyle

Intro: Andrews Santana - GoPro Brazil

Andrews is a full-time content creator in Brazil, who captures GoPro content for DJs, resorts, and TV hosts. Sharing all his knowledge on how to have fun and make awesome content with GoPro Brazilian community on his website and his YouTube channel - "Andrews Santana".

How did Andrews begin his content creation journey?

Everything started with a GoPro Hero 4 Silver

Back in 2014, when Andrews went to New York, he brought the first GoPro camera -- Hero 4 Silver. Without any photography skills, Andrews learned to use the GoPro camera along with taking bad photos in the beginning.

"Taking photos was my hobby," Andrews recalled.

A year later, GoPro launched a reward campaign that if you take pictures with a GoPro camera, then the GoPro team will choose to buy your outstanding content. Andrews noticed this program and sent tons of his photos and videos to the GoPro team. Visting Andrews's social media platform, GoPro discovered Andrews posting some resourceful GoPro tutorials on his channel. That's how GoPro invited Andrews to be part of the GoPro family in 2016.

photo: IG@andrewssantana

How did Andrews get inspiration for his content?

"I'll be honest with you Alex. I don't know but I had instinct when I was shooting with GoPro," Andrews revealed.

Ideas do not come along when you need them. Artists and content creators crave unlimited inspiration to support their creations. The most convenient way to acquire trending production must be by reviewing others' products. Yet, Andrews has a unique way to collect inspiration and transform it into his own style.

"Let me explain, you have a great photo with a nice angle but I don't know how you do. So I try to copy the same position, the same light, the same pose and everything else. I started to think and change my mindset to do this kind of photo. Then you can get this type of photo from zero [next time]."

Imitating others' work is not a feasible solution for content creators. If you try to copy others' work, it will not be your own style. Andrews suggested content creators to think and conduct the production process from the beginning so that you can learn through all the way.

photo: IG@andrewssantana

What is the most asked question for Andrews?

As an experienced tutor of GoPro cameras, Andrews answers plenty of questions from the audience on how to take a great photo. Among all the different types of questions, 'what are the settings' is the most asked question Andrews received.

"People always forget the light. Cameras in general is not about the settings. It's just about the light. They forget it cameras use light to shoot videos or photos so if they correct the light, you will have great photos." Andrews explained.

With the correct light and angle, you will get the ideal photo you want. Thus, don't think too much on how to set the cameras up, it just helps you to get a better sharpness and shadow, try to fix the lighting and angle too!

photo: IG@andrewssantana

Challenges that Andrews faces as a content creator

"Keeping being inspired is very hard because you have to bring something new. I'm a student of that. I alaways watch videos and figure out what is viral, what is hype and change it into GoPro world."

As mentioned, it is not easy to have inspiration every day. Yet, it is vital for all the content creators to provide novel videos, photos and even stories to the audience. Andrews also said he would keep being hyper to collect all the moments and stay head of the trend.

photo: IG@andrewssantana

Andrews shares his content creation journey in the podcast. Want to know more about Andrews?

Click the photo below!

GoPro Trainer - Ron Ng (adventuresofron)

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