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Leadership Training Program with Videography & Artificial Intelligence (AI)
The "Videography with AI x Leadership" diverse student development program is Creato's signature on-campus course. This student leadership t

The First National STEM Festival in the US
In the US, The first National STEM Festival will be held on April 2024 by EXPLR and the U.S. Department of Education. It aims to involve and

AI error caused in DPD's online support chatbot
Recently, the online chatbot for customer support with artificial intelligence (AI) in the French express delivery company Dynamic Parcel Di

Is AI with Consciousness possible?
The idea of AI consciousness is the talk of the town these days. Some researchers are starting to explore it. The debate of AI consciousness

GPTs Recommended in OpenAI's GPT Store
Since the launch of GPT Store in OpenAI, there has been tons of customised and specialised GPTs for ChatGPT Plus, Enterprise and Team users

OpenAI launches GPT Store and ChatGPT Team
OpenAI launched a new function, GPT Store, on Wednesday offering various types of customised and specialised chatbots for ChatGPT Plus, Ente

Why Online Courses Are Worth the Investment Even with Free YouTube Tutorials
It's no secret that YouTube offers free tutorials and educational videos. But why should you still investing in an online course?

7 ways to make money as content creators
In today's digital age, the mode of earning income for content creators is no longer like before because new engagement channels have emerge

10 Top IG reels hacks you should know!!!
Instagram Reels are real growth hack right now! Let's supercharge your Instagram Reels with these 10 must-know hacks!

Talk to our creator: Andrews Santana @Brazil
Andrews is a full-time content creator in Brazil, who captures GoPro content for DJs, resorts, and TV hosts.

Talk to our creator:Amelyn & Dan @Singapore
Amelyn & Dan are famous lifestyle and travel content creator from Singapore. They have has around 3.17K subscribers on their YouTube.

Talk to our creator:Westny DJ @Indonesia
Indonesian actress Westny DJ shares her life change when she became a mother. Westny DJ is well known as a model and actor.
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